Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 69- May 28- Heather Moulaison

Spent the whole day gardening with my momma. She told me she doesn't actually like gardening, but it is the lesser of the two evils, mowing the lawn being considered MUCH worse. I got a kick out of that, so I helped her by removing the sod for a new flower bed in the back yard, to eliminate another few square feet of mowing. It was tough work, but satisfying, sometimes feels SO good to sweat and break your back. Unfortunately I wasn't too careful and got a nasty burn on my lower back. Must respect the sun and depleted ozone more the next time!!

In the evening, I went to the local hang out, Tim Hortons on Water Street, to have coffee with two high school friends, one of the Ryan, lives here and the other, Heather was just back for the week in honour of her mother's 60th birthday party. They were both friends of mine from our band days- trumpet and flute respectively. (Ryan will be my person of the day later on this summer- RIGHT Ryan??!!) I decided to have Heather as my person of the day today because she heads back to Ottawa, where she lives and works, on Tuesday.

Heather is one of the most animated, upbeat and dramatic people I know. She has been involved with drama and theatre as long as I have known her, as well as music. We had lots of laughs catching up, talking politics, TV, work and about our lives since school. She is working for a financial company in a very interesting sounding management position in Ottawa, where her brother, sister in law and niece are also living. I had to include the picture of her laughing because it is how I will remember our evening, of two hours sitting behind a group of cranky old people, sipping our medium coffees. After I asked her if she could be my photo of the day, we had a very interesting time capturing this set of "happy" versus "serious" photos. I had more, but thought they would have to wait for the mini series! I really enjoyed seeing her and am sure we'll meet up in Ottawa the next time I am there.

Theme song for today: 9669 by The Joy Formidable

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