Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 282- Dec. 31- Isabelle Parizeau

I met this woman through my participation in Arctic Winter Games originally. We had dinner together one night during the 2012 games in Yukon. The meal was efficient, like her, and as she explained that the had to cut things short because she still had many hours of work, I couldn't help but chime in my two cents. "Why can't you rest and take a night off to enjoy the good company you're in?" I did it somewhat jokingly, but I think it started us off on an interesting friendship, full of give and take, challenging one another's perspectives and giving each other new ideas.

We are very different, but in some ways I can related to Isabelle and see where she is coming from better than other people I think similarly to. She has taught me a lot of being critical and proactive, of how to be professional and what to consider before making a decision. I think I have also taught her things too, despite her having a much broader life experience and educational background.

A year or two ago, during a social meal during her visit to GR, we decided collectively to do the "True Colours" personality test. Just in the process of doing the test I could see how different we were, she was systematic, analytical and needed the process and steps to be followed in a clear and sensible way. I was actively making sure everyone felt good, understood well and were happy and having fun. Upon reading the results, the majority of the people around the table recognized themselves as "blue" and Isabelle right away wanted to understand why that was last place on her results. We joked that our goal for her was to make her more "blue". It became a theme to our discussions, if someone was expressing gratitude and she asked them to stop and hurry up, then we told her to be more blue, to tell us how she feels, to use adjectives more when communicating with us. It was a bit tongue and cheek at first but made for many heartfelt conversations. I've enjoyed our unlikely friendship immensely, not only has she taught me a lot about human relations and leadership, but she showed me how to make the most refreshing gin and tonic ever!!  I really look forward to hearing about all of her adventures and travels in the next years and re-connecting along the way.

Song of the Moment: Spirits by The Strumbellas 
(Izz, you missed this day at Osheaga, but I think you would have enjoyed this group a lot)

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