Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 72- May 31- Uncle Len (Brown)

Uncle Len is the spouse of my Aunt Maxine. They were only down for a quick visit to their son, Chris, and his family around the corner from my parent's house. I went with Paul, Jessica, Landon and Walton for a walk up to see them this morning. It was a quick visit, but they were pretty busy, Aunt Maxine was watching Tookie (her grandson), who wanted to spend some extra time with his grandparents before they left. Uncle Len was hard at work painting Chris' work room in the basement.

Uncle Len is always at something, he's a very helpful to family and is very quiet and mild mannered. He tends to try and stay out of the spotlight most of the time, much like my brother Paul. For some reason in my mind's eye, I always remember him just as he looked today- shorts, very tanned, flip flops or sneakers- the kind of guy who would be very at home in Florida, poolside or strolling through the market. He's always very relaxed and chill. He used to work in the banking industry for most of his work life, but also dabbled in business here and there. He's retired now.

Theme Song for today- Lookin' Out My Back Door by CCR

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 71- May 30- Aunt Maxine (Brown)

Well, it's funny but I prepared myself last night for rain. Mentally speaking, I knew the forecast had been settled on a "rainy forecast" all week and so I knew mentally, I would be a little more limited than what I have been getting used to weather-wise, since being home. Low and behold, I woke up to a slightly cloudy, overcast day, and within a couple hours, BEAUTIFUL SUN AGAIN! Could barely believe it. Mom had plans with her friend Judy, so I asked Dad if he was in the mood for a Sunday drive to the lighthouse and picture taking. We sometimes do that, just go to nice places and take pictures for ourselves and projects Dad is always working on. Today, we were getting some shots for the Fifth (I think) Annual Communities in Bloom summary binder that I have been preparing for him. I'll post a few pictures from last night and today for your enjoyment before getting into my person of the day!

On our way back through town, we stopped at my cousin Chris' house since I had heard that my aunt and uncle from New Glasgow way (Mom's oldest sister) was in town for the weekend. We dropped in just a little before supper time, only to find my Aunt "Magazine" as I used to all her, was slaving away over some potatoes cooking a nice Sunday dinner. We chatted for a few minutes with her, my uncle Len, cousin Chris, his wife Jean, and their two children before coming home.

When we first moved to Nova Scotia in 1986, our house wasn't ready for us to move in. We were living at a motel on a lake out in Darling's Lake. Mom hated it- no car, three young kids, a small room, eels in the lake, nothing to do other than walk to the ice cream store. Instead of trying to keep us entertained there, we took the boat from Digby to Saint John, NB to visit Aunt Maxine and Uncle Len for a week. At the time my cousin Stephen still lived there too. They were much older than us, but we always thought he and his brothers were the coolest guys ever because they owned fast motorcycles and had really incredible, white shiny teeth. Or at least, that's what I remember the most. It was nice spending time with them then, it's probably the first time I really remember my Aunt Maxine.

The second time was when they lived in Amherst. I stayed with my Nanny for a few extra weeks one summer. I loved staying up at the trailer with her, picking blueberries, walking to the beach, reading National Enquirers and Star tabloids on the outdoors swing, riding Aunt Maxine's old school bicycle, going to the General Store for ring pops and eating toast with tea every evening before bed and just after a game of cards with my Nanny. During my stay, Aunt Maxine and Uncle Len took us along the Sunrise trail, through Pugwash where they had friends, up to their house in Amherst for a few days. I had never been to Amherst before, and I had a great time visiting the Anne Murray museum and eating the biggest donair Len had ever seen at the Pizza Delight next door. Aunt Maxine always has a way to make people laugh, her laugh itself and that 'mischievous grin' can make anyone giggle. I like spending time with her a lot! Enjoy the picture!

Theme Song for Today: Night that Patty Murphy Died by Great Big Sea

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 70- May 29- Nancy Bishara

Nursing the burnt lower back today made everything a little more tedious today. Both of my parents had plans, dad was golfing in the morning and finishing up his speech on volunteerism for the Lion's Club supper in the evening; mom had her prayer group in the morning then went to help the preparations for a supper fundraiser at the church in the afternoon. I decided to take advantage of the sunny day by walking to the south end to check out the Zach Churchill BBQ. I was secretly mostly hoping to see his mom, my former Grade 11 English teacher, that still remains a huge inspiration to me.

I met up with lots of people I knew at the BBQ. As I scanned the crowd, I thought about those people and who I should ask to be my photo of the day. Then I saw Nancy and I knew, she was the one!! I've known Nancy since I was young. I met her originally when I used to attend and help out with the North End Baptist vacation bible school. I remember how much I loved being the one to help her out with her class, she was so calm, patient, creative and fun. I often spent a lot of my time watching out for her two youngest kids, Ashley and Milan as well. They were so cute back then, hard to believe they are all grown up and starting their careers already!

There was something about Nancy that stood out to me as being something that I wanted to be in my own life when I was older. Maybe it was the poise, maybe it was the confidence; I don't quite know for sure, but I've always thought very highly of her since that time, so many years ago! It has been really fun in the last year or two, through the magic of Facebook to re-connect a little bit. She is always super intrigued by my photos and stories of the North, so it has been fun to share that adventure with her. Enjoy the picture!

Theme Song for Today: Quiet Crown by Idlewild

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 69- May 28- Heather Moulaison

Spent the whole day gardening with my momma. She told me she doesn't actually like gardening, but it is the lesser of the two evils, mowing the lawn being considered MUCH worse. I got a kick out of that, so I helped her by removing the sod for a new flower bed in the back yard, to eliminate another few square feet of mowing. It was tough work, but satisfying, sometimes feels SO good to sweat and break your back. Unfortunately I wasn't too careful and got a nasty burn on my lower back. Must respect the sun and depleted ozone more the next time!!

In the evening, I went to the local hang out, Tim Hortons on Water Street, to have coffee with two high school friends, one of the Ryan, lives here and the other, Heather was just back for the week in honour of her mother's 60th birthday party. They were both friends of mine from our band days- trumpet and flute respectively. (Ryan will be my person of the day later on this summer- RIGHT Ryan??!!) I decided to have Heather as my person of the day today because she heads back to Ottawa, where she lives and works, on Tuesday.

Heather is one of the most animated, upbeat and dramatic people I know. She has been involved with drama and theatre as long as I have known her, as well as music. We had lots of laughs catching up, talking politics, TV, work and about our lives since school. She is working for a financial company in a very interesting sounding management position in Ottawa, where her brother, sister in law and niece are also living. I had to include the picture of her laughing because it is how I will remember our evening, of two hours sitting behind a group of cranky old people, sipping our medium coffees. After I asked her if she could be my photo of the day, we had a very interesting time capturing this set of "happy" versus "serious" photos. I had more, but thought they would have to wait for the mini series! I really enjoyed seeing her and am sure we'll meet up in Ottawa the next time I am there.

Theme song for today: 9669 by The Joy Formidable

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 68- May 27- Read On...

Today was a tough day for this blog. I felt a bit like I had run into a brick wall; overcoming the nerves related to asking complete strangers or not-so-close acquaintances if I could use them for this blog. Unfortunately in this day and age, our identity, intellectual property and images of ourselves are far too often taken advantage of in the online realm. I acknowledge this in my own life, but also struggle to, even still, produce something that has integrity, value and does not exploit people- but rather CELEBRATES people. I am coming to terms with the fact, that although the online medium has issues, it also has some tremendous advantages and benefits as well. Despite the unfavourable aspects of what I am producing, I hope that it will help to touch or move people, make them assess their own lives and value the people around THEM more, and also offers me a chance to express my appreciations as well as some of my photographic endeavors.

Having said that, I didn't take a picture today. Even after the fact, I was having a huge amount of difficulty in deciding WHO I could choose. I had some pictures from the girls I went to the movie with, lots of my nephews, a few of my other family members, etc. But none of them were really standing out for the occasion. I wanted to wait and take something more meaningful for those people later on this summer. But still, I needed SOMEONE for today. I thought about the show Sex and the City, since I was making plans to go see the second movie that just came out, and thought about how they call "New York" one of the characters of the show; pondering if "Yarmouth" itself could become my Day 68. But as I considered even that, I knew I didn't have a super picture that stood out to me to use for that.

As I thought about Yarmouth, I realized that the main reason I lived here and called this place my home came down to two people I never met. Yarmouth was the town where my dad grew up as a child with his brother, sister, mother and father. This year I have had a lot more time to connect the dots of dad's side of the family with a visit to my father's mother's half brother in England. Knowing these details and filling in more of the gaps only makes you feel a stronger connect to your roots, your family and yourself. If it had not been my dad's parents raising him in Yarmouth, then maybe my story would have been different, maybe my father wouldn't have brought my mom and us kids back here to grow up. Sadly, my father's parents died in a tragic car accident when he was only a teenager. My mother never met them, and thus, neither have I. I often wonder about what they were like- about their passions, interests, personality- if I am like them or have any traits that were passed on genetically, that could help me feel that connection stronger. I don't really know too much about them- my grandfather was in the War, worked in communications for the Canadian military or something like that, loved taking pictures of everything and anything, met my mother in England, she came over as a war bride, she was very musical, taught piano, played the organ at church, they wed, had kids, were well liked in town; and the rest is history. I love them even though I didn't know them. Here's my tribute to them in photos. The old style one is from my grandfather, Walton, scanned in this winter from an old negative, it shows my grandmother, Josina, my uncle and my dad.

Their grave is in the cemetery in Yarmouth, I trudged through knee deep snow one sunny February day this year.

Theme song for today: Home by Michael Buble

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 67- May 26- David Warner

My daddy is the person of the day. I am a bit nervous to have used up two of my family so far, this early in the three months home, but I just didn't take anyone else that day. Tonight, Dad and I met Paul, Jessica and Landon for ice cream in Dayton. Mom skipped the trip, inciting that she didn't need any ice cream, and I just went for the ride since I had a bowl at home before we had the call from my brother about their plan.

It was still rather warm, as it had been all day. Landon really enjoyed his strawberry vanilla soft serve swirl in the cup, which after dripping down his chin ironically looked exactly like the calamine lotion behind his ears to treat the itchy black fly bites. I can't get over how big and independent he is. He is quite something. Had to include one extra picture of that!!

So, I picked Dad today. I love my dad and am happy to include him in my blog of my most favourite people. He is one of the hardest working people I know, does nothing half hearted, is incredibly generous much to the detriment of his own comfort, appreciates commitment and integrity in those around him. He is well liked by practically everyone that knows him because of his dependability and willingness to help out. I can always count on him for anything and everything, whether it is advice about work, finances, or life, or whether it is a practical need like a ride to the airport in Halifax. I have to say those are some of my most favourite times spent with my dad, when we've been driving somewhere. It pretty much always was to bring me somewhere, whether back or forth to Ottawa multiple times during my university years, or driving me or my boxes to Montreal or Halifax related to my work in the north. I love driving places with dad since we have so much time to sit and chat. My dad taught me early on the importance of being optimistic at ALL times, even in the worst situations. The big family joke is how we argue but I think deep down it is more fun than anything else, because we both have a keen mind and ability to see both sides of any argument. And if he doesn't agree with that, oh well, I know I am right! Hope you enjoy the picture!

Theme Song for the Day: The Stake by The Steve Miller Band

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 66- May 25- Sandy Killam

Another nice day. Sunny, hot... God is really spoiling me so far, but I am not complaining about it!! I realized that since I normally travel in July, I really only own Summer and Winter clothes. When I leave the north for summer, there is typically still a bit of snow, so Spring, in the southern sense is the missed season for me. I don't really know what would qualify "Spring clothes" other than rubber boots, but since I have been home I have gone sleeveless everyday. A clearly SUMMER clothe choice.

As you can tell, being on holidays still has given me more than ample time to think too much. Work is a good thing for me in that regard, it keeps me busy, focussed and out of the realm of imagination and thought too much. If I had not been a teacher, I think I might have really enjoyed being a full time artist- writer, photographer or movie director, as I could walk around with a camera or notebook looking at everything and thinking about it. And speaking of movies, last night I went with "the girls", my pretty new, Yarmouth crew of the most wonderful friends I wish I had much early than this year. Natasha, Sandy and Gabrielle (there were a few other fab gals who couldn't make it too, so don't think I don't mean you too!) met me at the theatre for Robin Hood, or should I say "the Russell Crowe movie"... I warned them before the show that I had been planning all day that one of them would be my photo of the day. At first, they were a bit shy to indulge me so I took a few shots of them as a group, (knowing that I have to save the other two for another day so I don't run out of "beautiful people" in my next 90 or so days of being home!!) After the first shot, they were eagerly jumping in front of waste bins asking for pictures there and in front of movie posters for pictures there. I love their enthusiasm, energy and sense of humour! I don't think we ever get together without me leaving with slightly sore cheeks from laughing and smiling. Friends like this are the kind that everyone needs, the uncomplicated, fun loving kind of girls that you KNOW that you will have a good time with every time you are together. They are the kind of gals that make you realize that the Sex and the City style friendships CAN happen in real life!

Check out "Sporty Spice" in the middle showing off her Ninja moves!! XO!

Did I mention we spend a lot of time laughing when we are all together!

It was a tough choice between the photos, so I put up one of the silly ladies together. My person for today is Sandy, since I decided to use the ever so cute pictures of her giving Russell some loving. I met her during NS Music week in November. She had been a volunteer as well, and we met at the "after-party" where all the volunteers got to party with the "music celebrities" and have a private show of sorts. I knew Natasha (also Sandy's friend) a little better from the bank, so when I didn't really know too many people in the crowd, I hung near them. It turned out they were having a challenge to see which one could collect more "face time" from the "celebrities" (sorry for the overuse of quotation marks, I don't really know how to aptly describe this most interesting of contests any better)... I won't explain the contest any more but it included Ryan Cook, Joel Plaskett and I also think Matt Minglewood was included, for what reason I am not too sure!? We laughed very hard that night, I knew from that point we'd have to hang out more. We are all music junkies so since that point we've gone to concerts, shows, Karaoke, and played pool once. Sandy is an incredible high energy gal, a fantastic mother, very stylish dresser(especially when it comes to shoes, lol) and a very talented photographer Enjoy the photos, next time I will bring the lens that I can actually use the flash with!

"Now playing, Sandy and Russell!" :)

"Grrrr", she couldn't stop herself from clawing Russell!!

Theme Song for today: Crazy On You by Heart (Sandy introduced me to this song, someday we'll be rockstars and play it!)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 65- May 24- Norman Stephenson

I am not gonna lie to you, trying to find someone each day here in NS is quite a chore! Today, I went for a walk around town, with my camera in my backpack. I took some photos to prove to those of you who are not here, how gorgeous it is this time of year in Yarmouth. The colours are something else! I will include a few shots of the flowers and places around town in addition to my person of the day.

I searched and searched for my entire walk for someone I knew around town. No one, anywhere, except in their houses and I just didn't feel brave enough yet to walk up and knock to get a photo. I know I will have to before the summer is over but not brave enough yet. As I walked through the mall, it dawned on me that there HAD to be SOMEONE in the grocery store that I knew. There's ALWAYS people in Sobey's that I see when I go. I scanned the aisles and finally recognized someone I knew, Norman.

Norman is a great old guy from the Anglican church that my parents attend. I grew up there as well so Norman has always been interested in finding out how school is going or how work is when I come home for my holidays. He often jokes that if he was younger he'd ask me on a date, and always insisted on having lunch every summer with my youngest brother and I when we'd be in town. He worked for years at the Front Desk of the Grand Hotel on Main Street and is the type of fellow that the old ladies are sweet on and who easily grows on everyone he meets. I don't know if I know a more hardcore football fan as well, Super Bowl and other bowl games are the only reason he can easily justify not being in church on a Sunday. Enjoy the photo!

Theme Song for today: Say it Ain't So by Weezer (Inspired by the third goal by Philadelphia Flyers versus the Montreal Canadiens in the fifth game of the Semi-finals, BOO!)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 64- May 23- Kathy Nickerson

Again, I have been fortunate; hot, sunny weather all day. I could seriously get used to this! I went to church this morning and Kathy was very kind to agree to being my photo of the day. I really anticipated having to convince her big time to allow me to take a picture, but she accepted right away.

Kathy is Chad's (probably my closest high school friend) mother. I've known her since 1995 and love her and her family to pieces. She has such a wonderful sense of humour, a generous nature and a patient and kind manner about her. We have had a lot of good laughs together during board games night or firepits. They have a beautiful property in Kelly's Cove that overlooks the Yarmouth Lighthouse and the wild Atlantic Ocean. The sunsets are to die for and the grassy hill behind their house descends to a sandy beach. That is where I have had some of the most wonderful firepits ever. There is something so wonderful about the cool, fresh ocean breeze on your back while you snuggle into a warm crackling bonfire, with a slow roasting wiener in hand. Priceless!!

I grabbed a quick lunch with Mom and Dad and then met up with Natasha at the theatre for a movie. Iron Man 2, pretty good for an "Action Hero" movie. Mostly nice hanging out with Natasha, she's a great girl, and hopefully will agree to be my subject in the next month or so!! Tonight I am settled in to the basement TV room, watching the first 2 hour special review show before the SERIES finale of LOST!!!!!! I am so sad, but am extremely happy that I have loved this series over the last 5 years. It will long remain my absolute favourite show ever!!

Theme Song for today: Wash Away by Joe Purdy (One of my favourite songs solely due to in being on LOST)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 63- May 22- Landon Warner

I am so happy to be home. I get daily hugs and giggles from this little guy and it makes any day, even sunny, hot ones brighter!! Landon is my first nephew, son of my brother, Paul. He is fortunate to have a gorgeous mother, Jessica, that surely affected his genes positively with the best skin tone and the sweetest eyes and eye lashes. Everyone agrees he does have some of my mother's features, but all I know is that he is absolutely precious, the love of my life and although he's a stinker sometimes, he is still the most endearing child I know!!

Landy, as we like to call him for short, is 2 and a half now. It's hard to believe he is growing up that quickly!! I am including a couple pictures from before today, one from playing in the backyard yesterday and then one of him, his back pack and shovel from tonight. The swinging picture is from one years ago July and the other close up of his incredible eyes and eyelashes is from November. Please check out the lashes and weep ladies, it's like every girls dream lashes instantly!! Today, I am tapping into family, Landy gets to be the first!

Theme Song for today: In Your Hands by Charlie Winston

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 62- May 21- Garrett Mason

So, I have this hunch I am really gonna have a hard time finding someone unique every day while I am home in the south. I just don't think I know "THAT MANY" people around Yarmouth any more. I took some very cute pictures of my nephews today, however, when I went at 10 pm to watch Garrett Mason in concert, I decided I should save my nephews for another day, when maybe I am a little bit more stuck for someone to put on my blog. One of those days when I don't see anyone or maybe don't feel like seeing anyone except for them.

Garrett Mason is a blues musician, son of the great Nova Scotian Blues man, Dutch Mason. He was down in Yarmouth before, loves it here, and I saw him during Nova Scotia Music Week last November at the volunteer appreciation evening. He is classy, stylish, smooth, witty and incredibly talented. It was my first time ever entering the infamous "Red Knight", which has a very unique and rather troubled reputation, but the music was why I went and the music is why I stayed. The glass that flew through the air and broke a couple feet away from my chair didn't deter me. The weird old men and toothless women who stared from one eye while sipping odd drinks, didn't scare me off. The extremely young, rather prostitute looking women that bopped their heads from side to side while sitting on different guys laps all over the bar, didn't gross me out enough to leave. Garrett's music was much better than that.

Hope you can enjoy the pictures, I snapped them really quickly since I wasn't sure I was allowed to do it, at the beginning of his second set. I avoided using the flash so I might not get caught, allowing the focus to be quite soft and the dancing quite fluid. Try to picture the scene, the music, the atmosphere. Enjoy!

Theme song for today: Old Days by Garrett Mason

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 61- May 20- Graziella Forbes

Graziella was traveling back to George River yesterday when I was flying out. It was really nice to see her before I left. She is a superstar in the teaching world and was recruited by the Education Services at Kativik (very wisely I must add) to be a a key person in the reform and development of the Math program. Sadly for our school, it means she is traveling a lot and not in the classroom with our kids. At least in the long run her work will significantly benefit the kids coming up through and getting a better grounding before secondary.

Graziella is from Toronto originally, her family is Italian and are some very nice people (they've come up to GR a few times). She has a beautiful family of a son, and then a twin boy and girl, with Guy (another teacher at school). Her picture is actually of a special birthday cake that she had brought back with her since she was away last weekend for Guy's birthday. Graziella is a real family girl, but also one of the most creative and hardest workers I know. She has a fantastic rapport with her students and other staff, I've always enjoyed teaching with her for her intensity and energy.

Theme Song for today: Someday I Will Treat You Good by Joe Buck, Jr.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 60- May 19- Lise

I had the longest day ever, or at least it seemed so. Woke at 7 to shower and get all the last minute preparations complete before flying out at 10:30 am. My stopover in Kuujjuaq was the longest part from 11:15 until 4:45. I thought I could be entertained enough to not get bored but I was out of things to do by 2 and was happy at least to see some people I knew to talk to for the last few hours. Vicky had brought her son to the hospital since he had broken his leg, poor little guy, he was in so much pain still. I also saw Graziella (I'll use her photo for tomorrow.) I left Kuujjuaq at 4:45 and arrived in Montreal at 7:15, after probably the most pleasant flight I've ever experienced. In Montreal, I checked my email at the iStore and settled in a chair, fighting to stay awake before boarding the Air Canada flight (next to the crankiest, most obnoxiously annoying man in a thick tweed jacket and way too many bags/overcoat by his feet). The last ten minutes were really turbulent and the itchy tweed was so warm next to my arm I really thought I might be sick. Kenneth was wide eyed and bushy tailed (as mum would put it) and we drove through sheeting rain for an hour before the rain stopped and we could continue on to Yarmouth arriving finally at 3:30 am with heavy eyes, a dizzy head and queasy stomach(still from the turbulence). WHAT a day!!

I chose to put Lise on here for today. We're pretty much strangers but I think she is probably my absolute favourite flight attendant that I have ever had on a flight. Wow!! Our bond was sealed in my first few minutes on the plane when I teased the pilot, offering him the empty seat beside me, while people were coming aboard. She was standing right behind the pilot, gave me a wink and said "right on, you give it to him!" From that point on I was getting free refills of Niagara Red(even when I said I didn't think I needed one), and an invite to the party at the back of the plane as soon as the meal service was finished, a specialty coffee and anything I need at the buzz of their page button. She had such a wonderful person, beaming with cheerfulness and good humour, something I think you need to really enjoy your job in her position. She was also extremely conscientious- when I was waiting for the washroom, there was a young girl who was sick inside for quite a few minutes prior to my turn. When I finished my business and opened the door, she was there waiting for me with a little grin and extending a bottle of hand sanitizer to me offering a few squirts since we weren't too sure what was making the girl ill. I think she has set the new standard for me of excellence in service and I really hope that I get to have her again on a flight soon, or every flight I take from here on in!!

Theme Song for today: Are We There Yet by Ingrid Michaelson

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 59- May 18- Melanie Picard

I chose to put Melanie today because I am leaving on Wednesday morning and when I come back in August, she won't be here anymore. It is always odd when a teacher leaves. It's sad and final in most cases because when you leave the north you tend to go somewhere fairly far away. Melanie will be leaving to join her husband, Nelson, who has been the principal in another community, Quaqtaq, this year and will continue next year. I think it has been a very tough year on them, being so far apart so it will be very nice next year for them to both be there, much farther north, where the yellow shorts of Springtime don't show their face as early. Their daughter, Maxime, will be attending school in Montreal next year as well.

So yesterday as I finished my packing I thought about the sentimentality of this place. The people you meet, the fun, crazy, sometimes wild, but always memorable experiences you have together and decided I had to capture her before she was gone. I had a little good bye card as well to drop off. It just won't be the same without her here. I better sign off on that note, enjoy the pictures as I run off to the airport to be southern bound!

Theme song for the day: Let's Get Retarded by Black Eyed Peas.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 58- May 17- Sapina Snowball

I am actually supposed to go up to the airport this morning, so I am trying to quickly whip off the last two blogs that I missed in record time! Sapina. What can I say about Sapina? She is SO marvelous that it will take much, much longer than I have time or space for here!!

Sapina was in my very first homeroom class in GR. She was Sec. 1, my youngest Sec. 1, and the very first person I ever met with the last name "Snowball". I remember chuckling when I first read my class list- between the names like Qaajui, Angutiguak, Ammack it was one of the easier names to pronounce properly the first time, but completely unexpected. Since that time, I watched as she grew from a shy, little girl, into a successful, brave, bold, strong woman! It has been SO much fun watching her move from high school on to CEGEP, and now eagerly anticipating, "the next step". Sapina is so talented and resourceful that I know the world will be open to her. She is the type that works her butt off and whatever she does and teaches herself news things all of the time.

I had the privilege two Augusts ago, to drive back to Montreal with my dad before school started. We arrived a day or two early and were able to go to the college residence, see Sapina(and Julie Anne) who were fresh from the north. We did some shopping, sightseeing and talked about what they expected. Sapina wasn't so sure she'd stay down, missing her family and friends so bitterly, but as the months passed and we pointed out that it was "almost Christmas" and then, almost May. She quickly adapted and ended up having a very memorable time.

Sapina got back into town on Sunday. We hung out for much of the day today, and I am so happy and impressed to see how awesome things are working out for her. I told her class during that first year that my goal being there was that someday all of them would take the teaching jobs and be running the school- so far, Sapina I think is VERY close to doing just that!! :)

Theme Song for today: Autumn & Me by Saving Jane

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 57- May 16- Joanasie

This kid is quickly becoming one of my favourite little guys ever!! (just as a note, I use the word favourite VERY lightly, I am an extremist when it comes to it's use, I pretty much LOVE things with all I have or really dislike them. Very few things are not my favourite at some point unless I really hate them!) Joanasie is such a sweet heart. He is friends with Imaapik and has come a few times with him to my house. He is ALL INUK, in the sense that TV doesn't do it for the guy. Unlike most of Imaapik's friends that he brings to my house to play my Batman: Arkham Asylum game, Joanasie only watches the TV if it's HIS turn. The second someone else is playing, he's walking around curiously, asking "What's this?", "What's it for?", "Why do you have that?", "I have one like that.", "What are you doing?", "I hate doing dishes too.". He's talking my ear off, intrigued by me, my life, my surroundings, what I like, don't like, what I am doing tomorrow, where did I come from, etc. etc. He's very kind and doesn't try to take advantage of hospitality.

He and Imaapik were so funny to watch during Little Big Planet, they were getting so excited and nervous at one point of jumping above fiery platforms that I couldn't resist taking a picture of them. The other picture was one that he himself insisted I take. I think he really loves this ear flap hat since he is always wearing around outside. Just before he left to eat lunch he said, "no Gillian, you need one with my hat!" Cutest kid ever!!

Theme song for today: Where I need to be by Kim Wempe

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 56- May 15- Samuel Brisson

What a day! The weather this weekend has been some of the best the north has to offer, it gets SO hot (out of the shade and wind) and everything looks so cheerful and wonderful that you can barely keep yourself indoors for long. I went for a truck ride to check out all of the "ends" of the road. Things have melted down so fast I wouldn't be surprised if people have gone out by boat already! It seems so fast this year. However, people are still traveling on the land by skidoo, not my cup of tea, skimming over cracks in the sea ice, zooming over deep cold slushy ice water, getting sore from trying to get machines un-stuck... The bravest of the town go at this time of year.

Kids are hard to get inside for lunch on days like this. They love the adventure of finding all of the junk that is suddenly appearing from under melting snowbanks. I caught Imaapik and his friends building a, hmm, ahem, maybe a robot, but I am not too sure, out of "treasures" they found all over the teachers' yards. Have to post this pic because they were so proud!

In the evening, Nancy and I decided to go the the weight room instead of getting lazy in front of the TV. Samuel was hanging out with Nancy's daughter at the time and was ever so helpful getting the key for us. I thought about how much I like Samuel. He's one of the teacher's kids and came to GR about three years ago I think. He's very sporty and is an awesome hockey player. He takes his training very seriously and I think it is really quite admirable. He has a great sense of humour and has come very far in his comprehension and ability to use both Inuktitut and English very well despite having come up at an older age than most kids. I am supposed to have in my Sec. 2 English language class next year so it will be fun to teach him as well. Great guy!

Theme Song for today: Original Prankster by The Offspring

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 55- May 14- Pascal Poulin

I knew I HAD to break out of the bad week of missing REAL new photos each day so I went out to the street to find a victim near the kids who were playing Inuit baseball. Initially when I was missing having an SLR I started my discussion with Pascal Poulin, the gym teacher and resident photographer at Ulluriaq. He came north with his family in my second year, initially as a French primary teacher. He;s a fun guy with lots of creative ideas and passion for different projects. He loves the students and making opportunities for exposing them to new things such as model plane flight club, an indoor climbing wall, etc. His son was my Day 40.

Pascal is a very talented photographer as well. His father was a pro and I guess inspired him to get involved in the pastime. He was a Nikon man so I also went that route, buying a Nikon D5000 last April. I'm happy with the camera and purchased a wide angle from Pascal when he was upgrading his own equipment. The song for today is not random, Pascal is a big Tragically Hip fan, so here's the Hip!

Theme Song for Today: New Orleans is Sinking by The Tragically Hip