Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 278- Dec. 27- The Girls

(Written Aug. 24, 2013)
Well this is a very nice surprise. I posted these pictures in Dec. 2010, after we went to the China Court for supper together over the holidays. I haven't seen a couple of these wonderful ladies for at least a year now but the picture brings back the wonderful memories I have from that night and other times I spent with them. The bonding factor between all of us is the Yarmouth music scene and in particular, The Chunk of Funk, a band that Kim plays bass in.
Just like the Yarmouth music scene itself, these women embody creativity, camaraderie and grooviness. Kim, Thea, Gabrielle, Sandy and Natasha all have such different stories but can come together for a night of funk or a plate of chinese fried rice and find a common ground with lots of laughter. I love the friends I choose now that I am older. I hope we have many more meetings and they move in the direction of their dreams.

Theme song for today: Miss You by The Rolling Songs

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 275- Dec. 24- Holy Trinity Sunday School

Family tradition continues, however, we weren't dressed up as travellers or angels or mice this year. Guess we grew out of it, but it is fun seeing the next generation continuing on the tradition. Christmas Eve family service at Holy Trinity Church, Yarmouth. We missed our friends, the Colbecks, but know they are able to be with their family now on this special day each year now. Merry Christmas everyone!

Theme song for today: Silent Night, I love this moment in the evening, when the lights are turned down the buzzing from the organ is extinguished and all you hear is the quiet peacefulness of the darkened sanctuary and the voices of those in attendance singing this song.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 274- Dec. 23- Julie Chandler

Julie is a psychiatrist by day and a talented musician, Sunday School coordinator, amidst other pastimes, when she is not at work. She is creative, organized, kind and giving. I really like Julie and her commitment to others. She has taken a keen interest in my life in the North as well as for the students and children of our village. I receive wonderful messages a few times a year from her kids to say hello and that they are praying for everyone. I appreciate the time she spends thinking and teaching about us, even though we are so far away. Here she is leading the kids in a few Christmas songs during the evening kids' service at church.

Theme Song for today: Coming Home by Ditty-Dirty Money

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 273- Dec. 22- Old World Bakery patrons and bakers

Two of my favourite things: wonderful grainy baked goods and cute old couples. Enjoy the pics and if you're ever in Yarmouth, go around the corner from the NS Visitor Info. Centre and check out the bakery! Worth a visit.

Theme Song for today: Your Love Is Beautiful by Hillsongs (Love the calypso/disco groove to this song!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 272- Dec. 21- The real Santa of Yarmouth

Since I was young I've known Santa, the real Santa. I don't know why there hasn't been more publicity for his retirement move, but the north was a little too difficult for him. He moved to Yarmouth from his home in the North and has been walking the streets of Yarmouth handing out candy canes, taking pictures and asking kids wishes. I hate to break it to you all in other regions, your Mall Santa is just an imposter, ours is the real guy!

Theme Song for today: Festival by Sigur Ros (From the 127 Hours Soundtrack, AMAZING!)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 271- Dec. 20- Jacqueline Daley

It's fun sometimes how we meet people. Jacqueline is an example. I knew of her for many years since she is the sister of my cousin's wife and I had seen her around town at different times over the years. I got an email from her a few days before I left for Christmas holidays to go home. She had started a new job as the assistant to our new MLA, Zach, who I had helped during his campaign in June 2010, and she was inviting me to a little Christmas party that he was throwing a couple days after I returned home. We chatted a little bit over emails and then at the party that night, and I have decided she is a gem of a person. Very kind, down to earth, and super hard working. Here's a picture of her from the party night.

Theme Song for today: Where I'm going by Cut Copy

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 270- Dec. 19- Gingerbread house makers

I love creativity and the Old World Bakery in Yarmouth. They have created a niche that wasn't really being filled before in the economy of the town and consistently produce a high quality and unique set of products. I make a point of frequenting their establishment a few times every time I am home. Love their sandwiches and baked goods. They also have good coffee. I stopped in a Christmas to have lunch with Heather and thought this Gingerbread house was neat. The owner said that a woman had made it as a replica of the building where the bakery is found. I don't remember her name, but here is a shout out to her skills! A little touch of Christmas!

Theme Song for today: I want a hippopotamus for Christmas as sung by April Blake and her Grade 3 students a few years ago (always get it stuck in my head and sing it obsessively when I start to feel the Christmas spirit hitting me)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 269- Dec. 18- Andrea Glazer

Ahhh, I am the worst blogger of all time. Took this picture back on Dec. 18th and haven't posted it until now! Ugh, I hate myself, but I love Andrea! Andrea was a super kind host to me on my way back from Christmas holidays when I suddenly realized I had to stay one night in Kuujjuaq. We have a funny friendship. We first met each other when she was setting up a video conference for the Tundra Trot coach at her school in Inukjuak. We tested the connection one day then a while after we somehow found each other on Facebook and realized we both like playing Scrabble. We'd get many, many games going simultaneously and she'd school me at them 8 times out of 10. To that point we'd never actually met in person, but KSB is a small world. She took a job a couple years ago as VP in Kuujjuaq and moved to Ungava side. Eventually as I was sitting in the First Air area of Dorval airport after a summer holiday, I saw a girl walk in with an Army duffle bag with the name "Glazer" on the side. I walked over to introduce myself, since I didn't think there were THAT many Glazer's in Nunavik, and we had our first meeting. Pretty random if you ask me!

Since that time, we've met a couple times to hang out or play Scrabble when I pass through Kuujjuaq. She's a really fantastic, chill person, she's got a super sense of humour with a skills for sarcasm and irony and we always have lots of fun talking about media or music or work. I look forward to my next stop over in Kuujjuaq and hope we can hang again!

Theme Songs for today: Dig and Rogues by Incubus (She digs alternative, it made think of Incubus. I forgot how much I love you, Incubus.)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 268- Dec. 17- Amanda Juby

I like when I meet someone, spend a few minutes watching them and can tell that they are the type of person I will instantly become friends with. I met Amanda in September at a Social Studies program implementation meeting in Kuujjuaq. She is a part of the curriculum development team and has been working on a new Social Studies program and some evaluation materials for the English program. I quickly liked her style of teaching, her ease at leading a group discussion and her awareness and responsiveness to people's thoughts and concerns. She is sensitive, intelligent and a team player. I like those qualities and wish she could work at our school because I think she'd be an incredible teacher but also a tonne of fun to hang with outside of work too! She was a very gracious host to me a few times when I have travelled through Kuujjuaq since September and I hope she's around for longer than the two year plan she has. :) Or at least considers starting another two year term again in the future!?

Theme Song for today: The Time (Dirty Bit) by Black Eyed Peas (She recommended this song on my weekend visit, great one for the gym!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 267- Dec. 16- Uluriaq School Christmas Concert

Ulluriaq Christmas concert. Always a wonderful event, a time to stop the rush and think about the warm fuzzy parts of the holidays- togetherness, celebration of life and love, family and friends. We had record crowds out this year and enjoyed every minute.

Theme song for the day: My Wish by Justin Hines

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 266- Dec. 15- Hilda and Maggie Lucy's commitment to school

Hilda and Maggie Lucy have been teaching the youth of Kangiqsualujjuaq for many years. Hilda teaches Grade 2 and has been in the school for 20 years. Maggie Lucy and I have worked a little closer together, as she is the Secondary Inuktitut teacher. She is one of a kind and received her 30 year award. I can't imagine anyone else taking her place with the Secondary students, who are sometimes a big challenge to manage with all their hormones and drama. I think most people look at her job and say, "Water truck is much easier to do and less stressful as well!" I thank them for their commitment to the kids on GR.

Theme Song for today: God's Top Ten by INXS

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 265- Dec. 14- Julia St. Aubin

(Written Aug. 24, 2013)

How did I not get THIS one done? Julia was already starting to demonstrate her strength and leadership abilities at this time. But in 2010, we hadn't seen ANYTHING like what we see today. I am actually super excited that I can speak about Julia now, today, in 2013, since she has become one of the most amazing youth I have ever had the pleasure to teach.

Julia has goals, but not just small ambitions for improving or doing cool things. When Julia wants something she will do EVERYTHING possible to make it happen whether she has to do it alone or has help. Julia has an incredible desire to understand the world, human behaviour, the environment, her cultural traditions and aspires to be the catalyst for positive change. She has passion, drive and an unrelenting thirst to make the world a better place.

Julia, like her best friend Andrea Brazeau (Day 154) have become incredible role models to both the youth and the elders of Nunavik, and beyond. They have trained hard for physical endeavours like leading their girl's hockey team to a gold medal in Ottawa last winter and in mid June participated, on a team made up of former Olympic athletes, in the Grand Defi Pierre Lavoie 1000 km bike race. Julia has learned to balance her education, healthy lifestyle and volunteer work in a remarkable way for someone as young as her. I respect her and her ambition a lot and continue to do whatever I can to help her meet her sometimes lofty goals. She never seems to disappoint at achieving whatever she aims at doing. As she begins her Secondary 5 year, I am eager to see where life leads her.

Theme song for the day: Back In Your Head by Tegan and Sara

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 264- Dec. 13- Jimmy Baron

This marks the first post I have completed in years. Almost 3 years ago, I started this blog. Today it's August 24, 2013, another year has started and although Jimmy was in Sec. 2 at the time, now he's in trying to complete Secondary 4. Jimmy B. has been a joy to teach. He bubbles with positivity and humour, he enjoys joking but is also remarkably sensitive. I'll never forget the day we were listening to a song that was a biographical one about Eminem's life, "Going through Changes". We studied the lyrics, listened to the song and during one pause in our discussion, Jimmy put one hand to his heart and said, "Gillian, I feel it, right here." Everyone teared up a bit, but smiled deeply. My love for Jimmy never changes. I wish him the best and hope he finds what truly makes him happy in life!

Theme song of the day: Lasso by Phoenix

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 263- Dec. 12- Naim and Laila P.

We had an informal Christmas party tonight at Omerine and Raymond's place. They invited parents and kids from the staff. Naim and Laila were having a really great time with the present Omerine had given to Laila. They were putting make up on each other and many others at the party.

Theme Song for today: Put your Hands up in the air by DJ Tonka

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 262- Dec. 11- Omerine Ouellet

Omerine was a new primary French teacher last year. There was a little shuffle of the jobs, when Nelson was recruited to become the new principal of Quaqtaq school and Luc moved up to Nelson's secondary position, leaving a hole in primary. Omerine and her husband, Raymond, who are from Gaspe area, are tremendously sweet people. They invited everyone over for a staff Christmas party with games and SOOOOOOOOO much food. I had understood it was a potluck, but she and Raymond had prepared every possible 'gaspesien' delicacy that it hardly seemed like my pizza had a place. I love our staff!

Theme Song for today: L'enfant de Tambour by Nana Mouskouri

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 261- Dec. 10- Footballers of GR

As the students in secondary learn new sports we usually have a teachers versus students game. Here are so photos from our first attempt at this, the teachers for the most part had no idea of the rules, skills or concept of the game. The students showed us up and I think it was only our newbie recruits that helped us almost hold our own. There was a little collision so the game has been rescheduled in it's entirety for sometime in the new year.

Theme song for today: I Won't Do What You Tell Me by Jim Johnstone

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 260- Dec. 9- Noah Baron

Noah Baron was a student in Secondary French for my first few years up north. His dad Johnny used to work at the school in various capacites; gym teacher, vice principal, and centre director at different points during my time here. Noah is an extremely sporty kind of guy, so as we made the teacher team for the football game, he was eager to help us hold our own! Noah has recently started working as a shadow teacher with a primary student. It was nice to have him on our team, he seemed to be the best at getting the ball in the end zone for us! Touchdown!

Theme Song for today: The Time Is Now by John Cena & Tha Trademarc

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 259- Dec. 8- Elijah Imbeault

Elijah was a former mayor of town and has been a teacher at Ulluriaq for many years both before and after his time as mayor. His kids did a fantastic job at the concert. Really put me in the Christmas spirit.

Theme Song for today: Strawberryfields by the Beatles. (It randomly came on my playlist and is so repetitive, couldn't not put it, so it would be gone from my memory.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 258- Dec. 7- Therese D.

Here are some more pictures from my uber-fun weekend in Kuujjuaq. I finally had the chance to meet Josee's girlfriend, Therese on our day trip to the bush and Alain's tent. She is a very gentle, friendly and rather timid person, until she gets her hands on a karaoke microphone. I don't know if I have ever met anyone who LOVEs singing and dancing as much as her. After the potluck, Therese was a dancing machine. It was a very nice evening, celebrating Dan's birthday a little early. What a fabulous bunch of people they have over there!

Theme Song for today: With A Little Help From My Friends by Joe Cocker

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 257- Dec. 6- Catherine the 'psychologue'

Catherine is fairly new to the north. She has only been in Kuujjuaq for a few months but is enjoying herself immensely so far. She is enthusiastic, enjoys getting outdoors and being active, which all seem to be pretty integral personality traits for people, who fit in the best with arctic life. She is working at Education Services with KSB as a psychologist, a rather challenging position but one that she is embracing. I enjoyed meeting her and hope to see her again in George River sometime in the near future if serendipity allows!

Theme Song for today: Diamonds And Coal by Incubus

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 256- Dec. 5- Alain Rochefort

What a fun weekend. It is hard to believe how quickly it zoomed by. One of the nice parts of the time I was visiting, was the chance to explore the surrounding areas of Kuujjuaq. I pass through this town, or maybe 'mini city' is more suiting, at least three times a year, if not more, but other than seeing the airport, food establishments and work related locations, I haven't had much of a chance to see the land. Alain was a incredibly gracious host, providing an extra 4-wheeler for Amanda and I to borrow, and being the guide for a trip to his tent during the day on Saturday. It is quite interesting but Alain was one of the teachers who left George River right before I arrived. I actually bought my first skidoo from him. He had lived in GR for many years with his family before I arrived, so I always got to hear stories about him and visit his old cabin near the Koroc River, despite ever formally meeting him. It was a very nice time on the weekend to meet the illusive, almost mythical character of Ulluriaq lore. :-)

Alain was still around on Dec. 17th when I was passing through Kuujjuaq on my way home to NS. He, Amanda and I shared a delightful supper of GR charr that night and he kindly helped me get back to the airport the next day from the hillside estates of the Ed. Services staff, quite a long walk from the airport. He's a very kind and generous spirit, since locating back in Kuujjuaq for work a couple years ago he has always been incredibly helpful to people who are passing through town. It's nice to have him back up in Nunavik again.

Theme Song for today: Do it Again by Steely Dan (Two inspirations for choosing this song today- Alain's favourite football team is the Steelers, so "Steely Dan" seemed like a suitable pick and of his songs on my iTunes, I certainly would like to do a weekend visit to Kuujjuaq again, hence the natural choice being, "Do it Again". Oh and it's a freakin' awesome song.)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 255- Dec. 4- Kim Larouche

Kim is married to one of the Ed. Services PED counsellors that started the football pool that I joined for 'shits and giggles'. She was one of the large group of people that got together for a karaoke/band hero party on Saturday night of my Kuujjuaq excursion. Amanda had invited a big group of people over, most of whom I barely knew, but who quickly became some of my favourite people in the world. We started with a dazzling array of food- never have I attended a more eclectic and tasty potluck in my recent existence. (I had to make the photo black and white or all of you would be cursing me at the delicious look of the food on that counter!!)

After supper, Kim showed some of her skills on Dance Dance Revolution and on many of the karaoke games. This chick has some serious skills!! Not gonna lie to you, Dan, my fave bling man, and I made it our goal to try and top her and her hubby, Pascal's, top scores on the games but could hardly keep up! Ahem, even with us scoring a couple 100 percents...

Theme song for today: Dance to the Music by Billy Joel