Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 333- Feb. 20th- Igulik Snowball-Emudluk

Igulik and I never really spent much time in the past getting to know each other. She was the cousin of many of my former students, but she took French in school so we never crossed paths. On our trip back from Chatham we had one overnight in Montreal. Not my most stress-free evening of the trip as the sole chaperone with a group of 15-19 year old in Montreal. But alas, I digress. Igulik met us on the way to Ontario despite the rush and our very short time in the airport, then she met up with us at the hotel for a few hours. I was very impressed with her new found confidence, her maturity about her college responsibilities and her serious outlook about her education. She had many relatives in my class, who were enthralled with her tales of homework and assigned readings. I really appreciated her effort to encourage my students and convey the challenges that they would face in the following year or two as they also leave for college. I really enjoyed spending a few minutes getting to know her that day. Thanks Igulik!

Theme Song for today: She Said by Plan B