Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 117- July 15- Linda Surette

What a day to be in Yarmouth! I LOVE the start of Seafest and especially a warm sunny day like we had today!! As I walked to the gym I happened upon the children's parade and Mayor's BBQ in Frost Park. I wandered around snapping some pictures of the people, entertainment and beauty that Yarmouth holds. One of the beautiful people I saw with two little girls in toe was Linda. Linda works in the town hall, but I knew her from my first few days in Yarmouth in 1986. She lived across the street from our house and her daughter Jennifer was a year older than me. If it wasn't for Jennifer, I wouldn't have been at all excited about moving from a small, closeknit neighbourhood in St. John's, NFLD. Jennifer, and the promise she brought me of friends my own age, gave me something to look forward to during my move. Our school, Milton Elementary, was just as close knit as our old street had been. It was a small school, but it had huge heart and BIG school spirit. There was one class per grade, 30 or so students maximum, and one floor of classrooms. We had one room that covered for music, library, lunch room and even the gym! (PS it was the size of the other classrooms!! We were creative back then!!) Everyone seemed to know everyone else and the parents were very involved in making the school run smoothly. It was an awesome place to grow up.

I caught Linda a little off guard with this photo but she is stunning and I don't think you could ever take a bad picture of her!! Thanks for saying yes Linda, hope you and the girls had a great time at the picnic!! I've also included some pictures around town yesterday. There was positive energy, lots of joy and SWEET old vintage cars!! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Theme Song for today: Hot Fun In the Summertime by Sly and the Family Stone

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